
Eighteen Inches:

the distance between the heart and mind

These poems explore the distance between the head and the heart—and all of the pain, beauty, and hope in between.

This book is one woman’s account of her longing to know herself fully. Her mind, body, and soul. This book might make you cry, fill you with nostalgia, empower you, or even give you hope. You might not see eye to eye with every idea inside, but with any luck you’ll see your soul reflected in its pages. You will question things. You will remember your past. You will be thankful for your present. You will dream a new dream. Above all, you will feel. Welcome to the journey of Eighteen Inches, a battlefield between a woman’s beat-up heart and her complex mind.

Mirtha Michelle Castro Mármol is a Dominican-born poet, author, actress and artist. She wrote the bestselling poetry book Letters, to the Men I Have Loved, which spent over two years in the Top 20 Bestselling Love Poems category on Amazon. She has authoredElusive Loves, a bilingual compilation of love poems, and Letters, to Women Like Me, a compilation of essays and poems. Her work also spans outside of literature to television, film and speaking engagements at colleges around the country.

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